Last week I forgot to put the turkeys in the post about the chickens. So I guess these lucky ducks (get it?) will have their very own post. (Uh, besides the bunny.)
Last post I also posted it a day early! Boy, I sure musta been frazzled that day.
I remember when Dad decided that we should try turkey meat. I was probably about six er seven. About ten of then lived out of twenty. We had some black ones, three red ones, a lot of grays, and a white. We always have too much for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Toms (Male turkeys) were always SO mean. no matter how hard I would beat the snot outta them they would never learn lesson. We've even knocked 'em clean out. Later they come back plotting revenge. Sometimes I'll get my my pony and barrel at 'em full speed. they normally swerve into some trees. that sure does make me madder than a hornet.
It was always fun to see the mamas come into the yard with a dozen or two babies at her side. Dad found in the News Paper that red turkeys are the yummiest. After that the red hen was his favorite. But, you see, there was no red papa to get red babies from. That sure disapointed Father! He thought the white one would work, but no! Finally we traded our friends some grays for some reds.
If you think they're pretty, get to know 'em better. That thought 'll leave your mind quicker than a bullet leaves the gun barrel.
This is our only bunny. He is so cute, don'tcha think? Larissa used to have a whole hutch of them and get babies and every thin'. I guess she grew out of it, and set them free. Now, uh, there's only one left. And how come he's survived the cats and coyotes and raccoons? One: he's too smart and fast. He slips under a hole he made in the shed. Two: Lady the dog won't let them get her. She'll le them dink around with him, but I they get serious then they're in fer it. Plus, the cats don't really have a reason to
be hungry for bunny meat. The boys an' I supply them with tons of gofer carcasses.
His name is 'Dug'. (Get it? Sometimes we say that "Dug dug a hole.")
Happy Independence Day, folks!
To wrap up the ranch animals, hears a bible verse:
Genesis 1:25
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
~Lexah Rae